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Redeemed to Serve

Ethnically Indian, but born and raised in Hong Kong, Jeffrey Andrews is Hong Kong's first locally trained Indian social worker. He's had the opportunity to speak before the United Nations in Geneva, and his work has been featured in various newspapers and TV programmes.

His most valuable asset when relating to people in the ethnic minority (EM) community is his ethnicity. Jeffrey knows what it's like to attend school in Hong Kong yet be barred from learning Chinese, and be discriminated against because of his skin colour. He knows what it's like not to have the privileges granted to other children in Hong Kong.

During his teenage years, and unable to work because he couldn’t read or write Chinese, Jeffrey brooded on the treatment given to ethnic minorities and he began hanging out with school drop-outs. He says, "I stopped going home and often got involved in gang fighting. My rebellion broke the hearts of my parents and my pastor and they tried their best to rescue me."

After he was arrested for stealing and fighting, Jeff feared the worst. His so-called friends deserted him and he dared not call his parents. Somewhat miraculously, his case worker bailed him out and took him back home. Over the next two months of legal proceedings, Jeffrey's parents and pastor supported him and he was spared serious punishment. He says today, "I felt that it must be out of God’s mercy. No one else but Him could have given me a second chance." With the encouragement and prayers of those around him, Jeffrey repented and began living a new life - this time helping those who are struggling to adapt.

When Jeffrey's mother introduced him to the work of Christian Action, he was inspired by CA's work for the poor, needy and marginalized and in 2009 he joined our staff. Because of his own experiences, and knowing the needs, he eventually began studying for a social work degree.

According to a racial discrimination study published by the Social Work Department of Chinese University HK, data shows that two thirds of the ethnic minority community thought that they were racially discriminated against.

Please pray for a change in this situation; for Jeffrey and his work, and for the ever-growing refugee crisis in Hong Kong.

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