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Marlon and the Triumph over Cancer

For over 15 years I have been participating in RTHK's Thought for the Week radio programme. It has been a good opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences about our work, because I want to inspire others to serve Christ. It has indeed been a huge blessing to me and hopefully to some of the listeners too. It's exciting that Marlon, my ever-loving and supportive husband, was recently given the same opportunity to bless others with his amazing journey with the Lord.

In his segment, Marlon told listeners about his bout with cancer, which was one of the greatest challenges we faced as a family. In September 2012, doctors diagnosed advanced prostate cancer with a PSA (prostate specific antigen) index of 250. When the doctor heard this, he feared that the cancer would spread to Marlon's bones. We were relieved when Marlon's bones were found to be free of cancer, and we believe that happened after an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit.

However, the journey was not over. We were discouraged after a second opinion. It was at this moment that the Lord told Marlon that he has sent the right physician and healing would take place. The next day we met a humble and godly oncologist who even joined us in prayer.

In the weeks that followed, we were witnesses to God's amazing work in Marlon. The next blood test showed that his PSA cancer index had indeed dropped to the point that his medical status changed from stage four cancer to stage one, and then he was finally declared cancer-free! This was truly a miracle from God.

Inspired by the experience, Marlon decided to follow God's instructions for him of sharing His miraculous healing with others. I hope that Marlon's testimony will encourage all of you to continue trusting in the Lord and what He can do in your life especially during difficult times!

Click here to listen to Marlon's segment.

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