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Audrey & Sterling Lum are on my right; Anna Ruberti & Ted, on my left. Pray for Anna as she runs
the NYC Marathon on November 7

Among the many people I met during my recent visit to the U.S., was Sterling Lum and his wife, Audrey. They attend Grace Redeemer Church in Teaneck, New Jersey, and had previously heard about our work in China from Adam Voysey, Christian Action Asia's Director of Development in the U.S.  But after I'd shared much more information about what is being accomplished as we care for the children in Qinghai, Sterling and Audrey decided they had to do something, anything, to tell others about these children. A new idea was born!

Sterling is a keen tennis player, so he has initiated the first Christian Action Asia Tennis Event!! It will be held in Maywood, New Jersey, on Saturday, November 13.

He told Adam, "After Siew Mei spoke to members of our church at her last dinner with us, I asked myself: 'How can I raise awareness? What gifts do I have that I could offer? I'm not a doctor, I'm not a clinician, but I wish I could heal and nurture.  Well, why don't I raise some money for this... I'm involved with a lot of tennis players and with the amount of people we know, we could share this information, and others could also donate generously and the word would get out much wider.  We were really inspired when we heard the stories about the children in the orphanages, especially Dou Ge, and seeing pictures of her healed... that was an inspiration! Basically, I think the Holy Spirit was working in us.

"I am convinced this is a really great cause and I had to do something. I just wanted to do something. That night Audrey and I decided that whatever it takes, we are going to do something; just to help."

Sterling said, "As I looked at the orphans in the pictures they seemed to be saying, 'we are survivors; we're going to make it through.'  It's very encouraging when you see something like that. But it can't always be like that, so that’s why we need to help them."

Sterling and Audrey have since spoken to many other people and all sorts of ideas are now floating around! e.g.  After this tennis charity event, perhaps it will be something more formal; something on a grander scale maybe? This is just the beginning! There will be a silent auction at this tennis event, so maybe a charity dinner can be put together next? More donations of prizes are coming in; maybe the tennis event will be more popular with people saying 'Wow gifts!' Sterling says, "I've seen Li Na's post on Siew Mei's blog - she brought tennis rackets and equipment and is playing with the kids... that's wonderful..."

Sterling concludes, "CA's work has opened our eyes and our ears and hearts.  These are children; we have children. Audrey and I decided that we have to help reach this goal... to help these orphans, give them a better way of life and hopefully they will be able to do well for themselves."

Sterling has extended an invitation to all to attend and support the fundraiser - but if you can’t make it why not put on a fundraiser of your own?

Siew Mei

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