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Community at its Finest!

For the past seven years, the lives of many underprivileged children who were destined to become uneducated, unmotivated adults have been changed. Giving children self-esteem is one of the most valuable things we can do in life.

With that in mind Christian Action developed our Child Development Fund (CDF) programme. But we didn't go it alone in pursuit of our dream to build confident, strong, future citizens of Hong Kong, and also end the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

Our three-year mentor/mentee programme involves the community. For example, deep relationships have been built as we partnered directly with San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School. The school-based mentorship programme fully utilizes the advantages of the school's pool of students as our target mentees and their alumni as mentors.

The Vice Principal said, "The advantages for the school-based approach are the unlimited resources readily available such as school venue, teachers' assistance in accessing parents' network and sending activity reminders to students... It also widens the students' horizon and social network and makes a difference in their lives." He expressed his deepest thanks to Christian Action for implementing this programme at his school. This is community at its finest!

We've also enlisted mentors from five nearby churches. Pastor Tam Lik Zing said it perfectly, "The youth supported by the mentorship programme under CDF will be able to draw from the community resources to realize their dreams and seek their own identities. The initiative enables the mentor-and-mentee pair to walk closely on a systematic plan; and in turn better equip the youngsters to forge their future!"

I have no doubt that programmes like CDF are shaping a new future for Hong Kong. Thank you for your continued support!

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