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Ready to re-open!

For more than one week, there has been just one locally infected coronavirus case. Halleluiah!

Life is beginning to return to normal. More than 13,000 students will be taking their university entrance examinations, public entertainment venues will be re-opened, and the government will begin relaxing social distance regulations. There will be increasing flexibility as the situation continues to improve.

Our classes will resume normal operations very soon. At the end of April, with the funding from generous donors, we hired a professional hygiene company. It has carried out a thorough cleansing and disinfection at our five social service centres and four training centres. We did this to comply with health and safety guidelines, before all our centres reopen. The professional cleaners did a great job! I was surprised when they found that the dirtiest part of the centre was the keyboard and the electric switches! The cleaners used special powerful vacuum pumping to suck out all the dirt.

Having done all that preparation, we will continue to serve the vulnerable in our community with love. My colleagues told me that they have received many calls from retrainees during the class suspension period – all of them wanted to know when the training courses would resume. It is obvious that they are eager to learn a new skill and then return to the workforce.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all the returnees and the new faces.

I thank God that we have not deviated from our calling to serve and remain faithful to our task. If you are in a country where the coronavirus is not yet contained, I encourage you to remain strong, trust in the Lord, and in a little while, the bleak winter will pass.

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